
This site is has been developed as a resource for patients, their families and carers, staff looking after patients with stroke or conducting research related to stroke. I hope you will enjoy browsing.

NEW Make Stroke a Priority: A manifesto on stroke for the next UK Government

NEW Prevent, Treat and Support: An EU election manifesto for stroke survivors

UK Stroke Guidelines Updated April 2023 click here

  • Wider indications for thrombolysis and thrombectomy
  • Lots more detailed guidance of rehabilitaion
  • Better prevetnion with tighter BP, lipid and exercise targets
  • More on return to work

Stoke Stroke School This is a multidisciplinary 3-day training course for all members of the stroke team from healthcare assistants to doctors with the aim to provide basic information on all aspects of stroke treatment and care. Next course Oct 9-11 2024. Please contact Jeanette Grocott for details. Program

My Stroke Guide app. This is an app/website published by the Stroke Association to help stroke survivors and their families plan their recovery and find relevant information all in one place. Click here to try.

Free Summer Dance School organized by Frontline Dance for people with stroke in Stoke-on-Trent. Click here to register.

The Stroke Rap Click this to have a good laugh.

Stroke Recovery Poem by a stroke survivor. Click here to read.