Getting back to usual pastimes, work, hobbies, and travel can be difficult after stroke. Making the effort to go out will, however, help recovery and quality of life. It may be necessary to adapt activities to fit in with the individual’s disabilities.
I hope this site will help you to get the information you need to give it a try. If you have had a stroke and are now back to sport, leisure, and work, please let us know what helped you get back.
Support Organizations
The Stroke Association Key information and advice on life after stroke.
Different Strokes National organization providing information for younger stroke survivors
Stroke Clubs and Support Services in your area List of services compiled by the Stroke Association
Stroke Association Family Support Local advice for Newcastle and Moorlands residents
Reading Free online vision training program for patients with hemianopia
Eyesight Free online vision training program for improving stroke-related problems with eyesight
Stroke rehabilitation exercises Advice on what stroke survivors and carers can do
Arm function and positioning: Videos on how to look after your paralysed arm after stroke, exercises to reduce spasticity, and advice on positioning a stroke patients in bed or in a chair.
GRASP exercises Arm and hand exercises patients can do at home and in hospital
Viatherapy guide for upper limb exercises after stroke Aimed at therapists
ARNI Do it yourself Stroke Rehabilitation Manual and contact details for instructors
ARNI excercises to improve the funciton o f your arm and hand at home
Physio2U Private physiotherapy
Speech (STEPS) computer assisted self-help speech relearning programme
Speech recovery after stroke (OLIENA) exercises video and book
Incontinece Pelvic Floor Exercises help. Download the free NHS approved Squeezy App for advice.
Depression online self help resource
Advice for recovery from a stroke survivor Fighting Strokes Kate Allatt
Medic Alert provides vital details on your medical condition in an emergency
Work and Leisure
Equipment Advice on equipment for independent living from the Stroke Association.
Sex Information Leflets by the Stroke Association
Voice of a stroke Survivor: Sex after stroke: Lifting the Taboo
Getting involved in Research
Brin Helliwell, a ‘strokie’ and user representative talks about his experience of getting involved in research as a patient and public representative. See Part 1 and Part 2 of the speech.
David Burgess has become involved in stroek service development and stroke research because of his expereince of looking after his father in law , who had a stroke.
Stroke survivors in the media: websites, films and books
Kate Allatt – recovery after locked in syndrome: books, advice and videos
Lotje Sodderland: my beautiful broken brain -experience of brain haemorrhage
Jill Bolte-Taylor: A stroke of insight -a personal view of brain haemorrhage
Peter Blair 10 tips for stroke recovery
Tara: When life gives you lemons. Tips for life after stroke from a survivor