GEKO VTE Prevention Study

A randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of intermittent surface neuromuscular stimulation using the geko device compared with intermittent pneumatic compression to prevent venous thromboembolism in immobile acute stroke patients ISRCTN11175235

Chief Investigator: Professor Christine Roffe, Keele University

We will enrol 1200 patietns will from >20 acute stroke units in the UK into a randomized controlled trial comparing the geko™ device intermittent pneumatic compression (study summary) .

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a major cause of preventable death and long-term disability after stroke. Current recommended preventative treatment is the use of Intermittent Pneumatic Compression (IPC). However, about 30% of patietns have contraindications to or do not tolerate IPC. An alternative form of mechanical thromboprophylaxia is electrical stimulation of the peroneal nerve, which improves venous flow in the leg by muscle contraction. The aim of this study is to determine if stimulation of leg muscle contraction using the geko™ device is more effective at preventing VTE in immobile acute stroke patients than the current IPC standard of care treatment.

We can co-enrol with observational studies studies on agreement of both CIs and the Sponsors. for intnervetional studies (drug or device) agreement of both CIs and both Sponsors is needed. Please contact Christine Roffe or Wing To (Study manager) for details.

Please click here for our latest newsletter. Past newsletters 04/24 02/24 12/23 11/23

No of Sites open: 10 No of patients enrolled: 63 No randomized: 62

  1. 001 Stoke-on-Trent 8.3.24 (Dr Phillip Ferdinand, Ass PI Dr Sumi George) 20
  2. 002 Bath, Royal United Hosptial (Dr Andrew Stone) 15
  3. 003 Whiston Hospital (Dr Sunanda Mavinamane) 6
  4. 004 Fairfield General Hospital (Dr Saravanan Narayanamoorthi) 5
  5. 005 Bury St Edmunds (Dr Abul Azim) 1
  6. 006 Chester 16.4.24 (Dr Kausik Chatterjee) 6
  7. 008 Bournemouth 15.4.24 (Dr Kamy Thavanesan) 5
  8. 010 Nottingham 12.07.2014 (Dr Ashit Shetty)
  9. 011 Cambridge 2.4.24 (Dr Smriti Agarwal, Ass PI Claudia Zeicu) 5
  10. 012 Northwick Park 10.7.24 (Dr Aravith Sivagranarathnam)

Sites in the process of joining soon

  • Crewe, Leighton Hospital (Holly Maguire) SQV done call needed with vascular team
  • Northwick Park (Dr Aravith Sivagranarathnam) SQV done waiting for one CV and one data optout query
  • Aberdeen (Dr German Guiterrez) SQV done
  • Stockport (Dr Georgina Randle) SQV done R& D review
  • London King’s (Dr Yee Mah) SQV done
  • Nottingham (Dr Ash Shetty) SQV done C&C 25.04.2024 awaitng handover to new coordinator
  • Milton Keynes (Dr Yaw Doudu) Stockport (Dr Georgina Randle) SQV done R& D review awaiting C&C
  • Wolverhampton (Dr Nasar Ahmad) SQV done SIV Jul/Aug
  • Birmingham (Dr Mark Wilmot co-PI Dr Suraj Parikh) SQV done awaiting contract and SIV refresher
  • Salford (Dr Kristy Ward) SQV done contract and SIV
  • Wycombe Hosptial (Dr Amulya Misra)SQV done awaiting radiographers
  • East Kent (Dr Rami Abdallah) SQV
  • Ulster (Dr Mark Bowman) SQV 12 June
  • Aberdeen (Dr German Guiterrez) SQV done
  • Colchester (Dr Ramachandran Sivakumar) awaiting SQV
  • Yeovil (Dr Khalid Rashed)
  • Coventry (Dr Uzma Khan)
  • Fife (Dr Vera Cvoro)


Royal Berkshire: No capacity May 2024

We are still looking for centres. Please contact Christine Roffe or Wing To (Study manager) if you are interested in running the study at your hosptial.

This study is funded by the NIHR i4i Challenge (NIHR203425). The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.