Guidelines and Audit

National Policy

National Sroke Service Model Integrated Stroke Delivery Networks May 2021

Integrated Stroke Delivery Networks Led by Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) and Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs), ISDNs will include providers and commissioners of services across the whole stroke pathway.

The NHS Long-Lerm Plan 2018  sets out priorities for the NHS for the next 10 years. The site has videos and documents and is accessible to the lay person.

Clinical Commissioning Policy for Mechanical Thrombectomy  2018

National Stroke Audit

Sentinel Stroke National Audit Programme (SSNAP) Pdfs of datasets

Stroke Improvement National Audit Programme (SINAP)

SSNAP login page

SSNAP Newsletters

Guidance for Stroke and Stroke Prevention

NICE Summary oral anticoagulation   2021

NICE Stroke and transient ischaemic attack in over 16s: diagnosis and initial management  [NG128] 2019

Venous thromboembolism in over 16s: reducing the risk of hospital-acquired deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism  [NG89] 2018, last updated 2019

NICE Familial hypercholesterolaemia   Identification and management [CG71] 2019

NICE guidance on smoking cessation   [NG 92] 2018 and useful resources

NICE Extracranial to intracranial bypass    for intracranial atherosclerosis [IPG596] 2017

NICE Guidance on mechanical thrombectomy  [IPG548] 2016

NICE Quality Standards for Stroke  2016

NICE Guidance on AF management   [CG180] 2014

NICE Guidance on PFO/ASD Closure   [IPG 472] 2013

NICE Guidance on Stroke Rehabilitation    long-term rehabilitation after stroke [CG 162] 2013

NICE Cardiovascular risk assessment and reduction including lipid management [CG181] 2016

NICE Percutaneous occlusion of the left atrial appendage    in non-valvular AF [IPG349] 2010

NICE Alcohol   Advice, guidance, resources and screening tools 2010

National and International Stroke Guidelines

NEW RCP National Clinical Guideline for Stroke  2023 (supercedes 2016)

ESO Stroke Guidelines Up-to-date guidelines on (nearly) all aspects of stroke care

ESO guideline for long-term secondary prevention after ischaemic stroke or TIA 2022

AHA/ASA guidelineline for the Management of Acute Ischaemic Stroke 2019

AHA/ASA guideline for the Management of Acute Intracerebral Haemorrhage 2022

AHA/ASA Stroke Prevention Guidelines 2021

AHA/ASA guideline on the management of stroke in neonates and children 2019

The Brain Attack Coalition  Defniton and content of ctroke centres, assessment scales, standard medical orders, patient information material by the American Heart Association (The US view).

Guidelines for the management of AF  The Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibrillation of the European Society of Cardiology (2020)

Setting up thrombectomy services

NEW WIST- World Federation for Interventional Stroke Treatment guidelines for training and set up of endovascular services 2023

Cardiovascular Risk Calculators

QRISK Risk Score  NICE recommended

American College of Cardiology CVD risk tool  2019

Anticoagualnts and Surgery

General information on VTE risk, bleeding risk, and Bridging therapy

Advice on stopping DOACs for surgery

British Association of Stroke Physicians Resources

The British Association of Stroke Physicians (BASP) website provides a wide range of resources for stroke treatment and service delivery.

BASP Stroke Medicine Consultant Workforce Requirements (pdf download)  2019 – 2022

BASP Guidance on standards for mechanical thrombectomy (pdf download) 2016

BASP Stroke Service Standards (pdf download) 2014

BASP Definition of a Stroke Specialist (pdf download) 2011

Evidence Reviews for Stroke Treatments

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews contains systematic reviews of the evidence supporting stroke treatments. Free abstracts can be found under the Stroke Review Group.